It’s very important, when choosing a personal stylist to work with, to find out what kind of stylist they are and what types of services they offer so you know exactly how they can help you. Typically, there are 2 types of personal stylists: Transactional Stylists and Transformational Stylists. Let’s dive in:
Transactional Styling: It’s exactly that – a transaction. For example: A client needs a few outfits and the stylist shops for them. Or they are going on a trip and need help packing and planning looks. It’s efficient, there’s not a whole lot of Style Discovery or internal reflection. The client has a need, the need is met by the stylist, and it doesn’t take much time to help the client.
Transformational Styling is more in depth than Transactional Styling. People who hire a Transformational Stylist are looking for – surprise! ; ) – a transformation. Whether it’s a new mom whose body has changed and is going back to work who feels she has lost her identity or someone coming out of a divorce feeling like a completely different person; these are huge shifts in their lives. Transformational styling is a longer and more thorough process because there’s more work for self-reflection and style discovery. It’s very personal. The stylist will work with their client to find out how they want to feel in their clothes and what they want to project to the world. Transactional stylists want the client’s personal style to be aligned with their goals and their true, authentic self so they can feel their best during their life transition.
What type of Personal Stylist am I? Most of my clients are transformational clients who really want to do a deep dive into who they are and how their style will reflect that. This type of styling is the most rewarding for my clients, as well as for me because I can see how much their confidence increases and how it trickles into other areas of their lives. However, I do still have transactional styling clients and have provided this type of service for 12 years and will continue to. Not everyone needs or wants a complete transformation and that’s ok! Whatever type of stylist you choose to work with, make sure they are able to provide the outcome you are looking for.